When Jesus Made the Cover of Time Magazine

A review of “Jesus Revolution”

Paul Combs


Image: Time Magazine

It is a time of war overseas and near-civil war at home. Racial tensions, economic inequality, riots, crime, and political malfeasance have brought the nation to the brink. The older generation is at odds with the younger generation, not understanding their music, their clothes, or their new “language.” People over 50 long for the “good old days,” while those under 30 rage against the machine.

Life in 2023, right? Wrong; America, circa 1970.

In their book Jesus Revolution: How God Transformed an Unlikely Generation and How He Can Do It Again Today, Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn show us in stark detail that there truly is nothing new under the sun and history does indeed repeat itself. But this is more than a somewhat nostalgic chronicle of the failures of a bygone era. It is a reminder of an event that swept America in the late 1960s and early 1970s that is virtually forgotten today. Those who were a part of it called it the Jesus Movement; in June 1971, Time magazine labeled it the Jesus Revolution.

Image: Harvest.org

It’s likely you’ve not heard of this book, though you may have heard of the film…



Paul Combs

Writer, bookseller, would-be roadie for the E Street Band. My ultimate goal is to make books as popular in Texas as high school football...it may take a while.