The 15 Songs Bruce Springsteen Has Played in Concert the Most Times

“Is there anybody alive out there?”

Paul Combs



My good friends and fellow Springsteen fanatics Mark Holburn and Alex Markham are mere hours away from seeing Bruce and the E Street Band live at Hyde Park in London, and while I am with them in spirit, I am insanely jealous at the same time. One cure would be to listen to the Born to Run album on repeat all day, but that would be no different than any other day. The other option is to write a Bruce-in-concert article, which is what I’ve chosen to do.

This is not a review of Springsteen concerts I’ve seen in the past, however. You can read about those below.



Paul Combs

Writer, bookseller, would-be roadie for the E Street Band. My ultimate goal is to make books as popular in Texas as high school may take a while.