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Five Films About Saints You Must See Before You Die
They might just change your life
After a long hiatus, I recently began writing my “Three Minutes with the Saints” series again. As I was pondering the next installment, a thought came to me: what if someone wants more than just the three-minute sketches I offer? I’ve written before about books by and about the saints, which is certainly one option. But not everyone has the time or inclination to read the autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola (it can be difficult at times).
What everyone both loves and always makes time for is a good movie. Therefore, in today’s “Three Minutes with the Saints” I give you five films about saints that everyone should see. Three are well-known, though you may not have known they were about saints. The other two are not as well-known but their main characters certainly are. Best of all, they are excellent films in their own right (none of that Nicolas Cage remake of Left Behind nonsense).
1. Romero (1989). I’m starting with the film about Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, who was assassinated while saying Mass in 1980, because I re-watched it recently. It tells the story of his transformation from a priest who avoided confronting the Salvadoran government’s oppression of the poor to a such a champion of those downtrodden masses that it cost him his…