A Veterans Day Look at Eleven Famous Musicians Who Served in the Military

Happy Veterans Day

Paul Combs


Photo by Ian MacDonald on Unsplash

It’s Veterans Day in the United States, and for any of my fellow veterans reading this I’d like to start by saying thank you for your service. It is also Remembrance Day in Commonwealth countries, a day during which they honor those who died in the line of duty, just as we do in the U.S. on Memorial Day. Veteran’s Day differs from Memorial Day in that it’s a holiday that honors all who have served in the military, whether or not they saw combat or died in battle.

On Veterans Day last year, I published an article proclaiming Steve McQueen (the King of Cool) as my favorite celebrity veteran. You can find that one here:

I wanted to switch things up and recognize some musical veterans this year, and sadly that will mean excluding my musical hero; Bruce Springsteen is many things, but a veteran is not one of them. Fortunately, there are many other musicians to choose from who are veterans, and I’ve picked eleven of them. Below, you’ll find the artist, their branch of service, years…



Paul Combs

Writer, bookseller, would-be roadie for the E Street Band. My ultimate goal is to make books as popular in Texas as high school football...it may take a while.