A Plea to My Christian Friends as the Presidential Election Nears

Regardless of party

Paul Combs


Image: Wikimedia Commons

In the weeks since President Biden announced that he would not seek re-election and Vice President Harris became the Democratic nominee, the level of vitriol and name-calling has ramped up as quickly as the hopes for a more reasonable campaign season following the attempted assassination of former President Trump faded. In terms of insults, the latest feel more like a third-grade playground than the contest for leader of the free world:

“Childless cat ladies.”

“Crazy Kamabla.”

“He’s old and just weird.”

It will get worse between now and November, of course; much, much worse. It’s not just the candidates, either; it seems that the venom has ramped up everywhere (especially online), including among Christians on both sides of the political spectrum.

That last part has to stop, and stop now.

There is no question that as believers we have severely damaged our witness of the gospel over the past decade. It’s most obvious with Evangelicals who have somehow equated the far-right wing of the Republican Party with the Kingdom of God, vilifying any leader who does not share their political views, but it is just as true for Christians on the Left who have…



Paul Combs

Writer, bookseller, would-be roadie for the E Street Band. My ultimate goal is to make books as popular in Texas as high school football...it may take a while.